Television Program That Displays Social Deviance
Social Deviance Book
From the television program A Current Affair, October 10, 1991. The effect of social reward on verbal conditioning in psychopathic and neurotic military. Definition of Deviance. Deviancy is defined as “violation of social norms”.Violation of norms could be in positive or negative behavior. The individual who is breaking the law, rules and regulation of the society is doing deviancy. In this television program, how are people “labeled” as socially deviating from the expected social norms, and who does this labeling? Analyze the deviance, using terms such as primary deviance, secondary deviance, retrospective labeling, and stigma. Apply Durkheim’s four functions of deviance to the deviant actions in the television program. Deviance and Social Control 2. Functionalism and Deviance 3. Symbolic Interactionism and Deviance 4. Conflict Theory and Deviance 5. Crime and Punishment After reading this chapter, you will be able to define deviance. Define social control and identify the major types of social control. Discuss the positive and negative consequences of deviance.
write a 750-word paper using APA standards that includes discussion of the following:
- Describe an example of a television program that you believe clearly displays social deviance, and explain why you specifically selected it.
- In this television program, how are people “labeled” as socially deviating from the expected social norms, and who does this labeling?
- Analyze the deviance, using terms such as primary deviance, secondary deviance, retrospective labeling, and stigma.
- Apply Durkheim’s four functions of deviance to the deviant actions in the television program. What purpose(s) does the deviance play?
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Assignment 2: The Application Paper By Wednesday, December 23, 2015, using the textbook and Argosy Online Library, write a 750-word paper using APA standards that
includes discussion of the following: Describe an example of a television program that you believe clearly displays social deviance, and explain why you specifically

selected it. In this television program, how are people “labeled” as socially deviating from the expected social norms, and who does this labeling? Analyze the
deviance, using terms such as primary deviance, secondary deviance, retrospective labeling, and stigma. Apply Durkheim’s four functions of deviance to the deviant
actions in the television program. What purpose(s) does the deviance play? Please post your completed paper to the M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox. Assignment 2 Grading

Criteria Maximum Points Described a television show that displays social deviance. 16 Identified the people labeled as socially deviant and who labeled
them as such. 24 Analyzed the deviance using the appropriate terminology. Applied Durkheim’s four functions of deviance. 24 Related essay writings to the
Social Deviance In The News
concepts and theories discussed in the textbook and outside resources. 24 Used correct spelling and grammar and appropriate APA format. 12 Total: 100