Cfs 9.0 Software

  • Download CFS Software Demos Instructions These demos are fully functioning versions of the software. Specifications: 13,773 KB: Upcoming Releases Program Year Specifications Release Date; CA 571 Preparer: 2022: Specifications: 1/29/2022: CA Sales Tax Preparer: 2022.
  • ITM/CFS Audits and Checks. Create unapproved No-match PM003 in CFS. Copies of Approved Voucher and supporting documentation sent to Finance – originals kept at office location Travel Voucher Approved in ITM 9.0. Electronic Approval (Mandatory) No. Copies of Voucher.
  • CFS Designer can simplify your curtain wall connector, anchorage and bridging design. This software automates the design of by-pass connectors, slotted track, slip track, base track as well as SUBH and MSUBH bridging connectors. CFS Designer provides an intuitive user interface that enables the engineer to save engineering models in a single file.
  • Only Clariti (using RPRM) licensed system or a CFS. RealPresence DMA Upgrade to MD5. RealPresence DMA System Offer of Open Source Software

The Microsoft PowerShell commandlets are available starting CFS version 3.3. 145 of them are available in CFS 3.15.0.

California State University, San Bernardino 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 +1 (909) 537-5000.

Cfs 9.0 Software Downloads


Run the PowerShell prompt and use the following command in order to connect to FID: Connect-CfsService -Address <FID ADDRESS> -Port <SSL PORT> -Root 'cn=cfs,cn=config'. You will be prompted for your FID credentials. After the authentication is successful, you will be able to manage your CFS using the following cmdlets.

If the CFS PowerShell cmdlets are not available after installing CFS, enter the command Import-Module RLI.CFS.Management in order to import the CFS commandlets. Also, make sure you have PowerShell 4.0 (or later) installed.



NameDescriptionSince Version
Get-CfsSchemaRetrieves the version of the CFS configuration schema in FID.
Update-CfsSchemaUpdates the CFS configuration schema in FID.


NameDescriptionSince Version
Connect-CfsServiceInitiates the connection to FID.
Get-CfsServiceRetrieves the connection object.
Install-CfsServiceInitializes the CFS configuration in FID.


Cfs 9.0 Software
NameDescriptionSince Version
Get-CfsVersionRetrieves the version of the CFS PowerShell Commandlets.
New-CertificateGenerates a new X509Certificate2.


Global Login Page

NameDescriptionSince Version
Get-CfsGlobalLoginPageRetrieves the Global Login Page parameters.
Set-CfsGlobalLoginPageUpdates the Global Login Page parameters.

Bypass Redirection

NameDescriptionSince Version
Get-CfsBypassRedirectionRetrieves the bypass User Agent rules.
Set-CfsBypassRedirectionUpdates the bypass User Agent rules.
Enable-CfsBypassRedirectionEnables the bypass redirection.
Disable-CfsBypassRedirectionDisables the bypass redirection.


NameDescriptionSince Version
Get-CfsApplicationPackageRetrieves an Application Package.
Get-CfsPackagesRetrieves the Web Gallery Application or Theme packages.
Get-CfsThemeRetrieves a Theme.
Import-CfsPackageImports an Application or Theme package from a local folder.
Import-CfsPackagesImports all application or theme packages from a local folder.
Install-CfsPackagesInstalls the packages from the Web Gallery.
Remove-CfsPackageRemoves a Package.
Update-CfsPackagesUpdates the package from the Web Gallery.


NameDescriptionSince Version
Get-CfsServerRetrieves a Server.
Get-CfsServerSecretKeyRetrieves the Secret Key from a Proxy Server.
New-CfsServerCreates a new Proxy Server.
Remove-CfsServerRemoves a server from the system.


NameDescriptionSince Version
Disable-CfsSmtpDisables the SMTP.
Enable-CfsSmtpEnables the SMTP.
Get-CfsSmtpRetrieves the SMTP parameters.
Send-TestEmailSends a Test Email.
Set-CfsSmtpUpdates the SMTP parameters.


NameDescriptionSince Version
Disable-CfsTenantDisables a Tenant.
Enable-CfsTenantEnables a Tenant.
Get-CfsTenantRetrieves a Tenant.
New-CfsTenantCreates a new Tenant.
Remove-CfsTenantRemoves a Tenant.
Set-CfsTenantUpdates a Tenant.


NameDescriptionSince Version
Get-CfsThemeRetrieves a Theme.
Remove-CfsThemeRemoves a Theme.
Update-CfsThemeUpdates the Themes from the Web Gallery.

Web Gallery

NameDescriptionSince Version
Get-CfsWebGalleryRetrieves the Web Gallery Application or Theme packages.
Install-WebGalleryInstalls the packages from the Web Gallery.
Get-CfsWebGalleryAddressRetrieves the Web Gallery URL.
Set-CfsWebGalleryAddressUpdates the Web Gallery URL.

Web Proxy

NameDescriptionSince Version
Disable-CfsWebProxyDisables the Web Proxy.
Enable-CfsWebProxyEnables the Web Proxy.
Get-CfsWebProxyRetrieves the Web Proxy parameters.
Set-CfsWebProxyUpdates the Web Proxy parameters.


Use command Set-CfsCurrentTenant (Available since CFS 3.4) in order to set the Tenant to use for the current session.

NameDescriptionSince Version
Get-CfsCurrentTenantGet the Tenant used for the current PowerShell session.
Set-CfsCurrentTenantSet the Tenant to use for the current PowerShell session.


NameDescriptionSince Version
Disable-CfsApplicationDisables an application.
Enable-CfsApplicationEnables an application.
Get-CfsApplicationRetrieves an Application for the tenant.
Get-CfsApplicationUpdateRetrieves if an Application has a template update available.
Get-CfsAppParameterRetrieves an application Parameter.
Import-CfsApplicationImports an Application package.
Move-CfsApplicationChanges the identifier of an Application.
New-CfsApplicationCreates a new Application.
Remove-CfsApplicationRemoves an application.
Set-CfsApplicationUpdates the Application.
Set-CfsAppParameterUpdates the Parameter of an Application.
Update-CfsApplicationUpdates an Application from a template.

Applications and SmartLinks

NameDescriptionSince Version
Add-CfsAppGroupsAdds a Group to an Application or SmartLink.
Get-CfsAppGroupRetrieves the principal Group of an Application or SmartLink.
Get-CfsAppGroupsRetrieves the list of Groups of an Application or SmartLink.
Get-CfsGroupOwnerRetrieves the Group Owner of an Application or SmartLink.
Get-CfsGroupSetRetrieves the GroupSet of an Application or SmartLink.
Get-CfsLdapFilterRetrieves the LDAP Filter of an Application or SmartLink.
Get-CfsLevelOfAssuranceRetrieves the Level Of Assurance of an Application or SmartLink.
Remove-CfsAppGroupsRemoves a group from an Application or SmartLink.
Set-CfsAppGroupUpdates the principal Group of an Application or SmartLink.
Set-CfsGroupOwnerUpdates the Group Owner of an Application or SmartLink.
Set-CfsGroupSetUpdates the GroupSet of an Application or SmartLink.
Set-CfsLdapFilterUpdates the LDAP Filter of an Application or SmartLink.
Set-CfsLevelOfAssuranceUpdates the Level Of Assurance of an Application or SmartLink.

Tenant Certificate

NameDescriptionSince Version
Get-CfsCertificateRetrieves an X509Certificate2 used by a tenant.
Set-CfsCertificateUpdates an X509Certificate2 used by a tenant.

Challenge Questions

NameDescriptionSince Version
Add-CfsChallengeQuestionAdds a Challenge Question for the tenant.
Get-CfsChallengeQuestionRetrieves the Challenge Questions for the tenant.
Remove-CfsChallengeQuestionRemoves a Challenge Question for the tenant.


NameDescriptionSince Version
Get-CfsEmailRetrieves an Email configuration for the tenant.
Get-CfsEmailTemplateBaseRetrieves the Email Template Base for the tenant.
Set-CfsEmailUpdates an Email configuration.
Set-CfsEmailTemplateBaseUpdates the Email Template Base for the tenant.

Identity Providers

Cfs 9.0 software downloads


NameDescriptionSince Version
Disable-IdpCertificateDisables Certificate Authentication for the tenant.
Enable-IdpCertificateEnables Certificate Authentication for the tenant.
Get-IdpCertificateRetrieves the Certificate Authentication configuration for the tenant.
Set-IdpCertificateUpdates the Certificate Authentication configuration for the tenant.


NameDescriptionSince Version
Disable-IdpFbaDisables Login / Password Authentication for the tenant.
Enable-IdpFbaEnables Login / Password Authentication for the tenant.
Get-IdpFbaRetrieves the Login / Password Authentication configuration for the tenant.
Set-IdpFbaUpdates the Login / Password Authentication configuration for the tenant.


NameDescriptionSince Version
Disable-IdpRsaDisables RSA SecurID Authentication for the tenant.
Enable-IdpRsaEnables RSA SecurID Authentication for the tenant.
Get-IdpRsaRetrieves the RSA SecurID Authentication configuration for the tenant.
Set-IdpRsaUpdates the RSA SecurID Authentication configuration for the tenant.


NameDescriptionSince Version
Disable-IdpYubicoDisables Yubico Authentication for the tenant.
Enable-IdpYubicoEnables Yubico Authentication for the tenant.
Get-IdpYubicoRetrieves the Yubico Authentication configuration for the tenant.
Set-IdpYubicoUpdates the Yubico Authentication configuration for the tenant.
Cfs 9.0 software download


NameDescriptionSince Version
Disable-IdpRtcDisables an RTC.
Enable-IdpRtcEnables an RTC.
Get-IdpRtcRetrieves an RTC for the tenant.
New-IdpRtcCreate a new RTC.
Remove-IdpRtcRemoves a RTC.

Cfs 9.0 Software Code


NameDescriptionSince Version
Disable-IdpTrustedDisables a Trusted Identity Provider3.6.0.0
Enable-IdpTrustedEnables a Trusted Identity Provider.
Get-IdpTrustedRetrieves a Trusted Identity Provider for the tenant.
New-IdpTrustedCreate a new Trusted Identity Provider.
Remove-IdpTrustedRemoves a Trusted Identity Provider.


NameDescriptionSince Version
Get-IdpTwoStepRetrieves the Two-Step Verification configuration for the tenant.
Set-IdpTwoStepUpdates the Two-Step Verification configuration for the tenant.

Identity Store

NameDescriptionSince Version
Get-CfsIdentityStoreRetrieves the ObjectClass and Attribute configuration for the tenant.
Set-CfsIdentityStoreUpdates the ObjectClass and Attribute configuration for the tenant.


NameDescriptionSince Version
Add-CfsMappingAdds an application Mapping.
Get-CfsMappingRetrieves an application Mapping.
Get-CfsNameIdentifierRetrieves an application Name Identifier definition.
Remove-CfsMappingRemoves an application Mapping.
Set-CfsMappingUpdates an application Mapping.
Set-CfsNameIdentifierUpdates an application Naming Identifier definition.

Messaging Service

NameDescriptionSince Version
Disable-CfsMessagingServiceDisables the Messaging Service.
Enable-CfsMessagingServiceEnables the Messaging Service.
Get-CfsMessagingServiceRetrieves the Messaging Service configuration.
Set-CfsMessagingServiceUpdates the Messaging Service configuration.

OpenID Connect

NameDescriptionSince Version
Disable-CfsOpenIDConnectDisables the OpenID Connect Application.
Enable-CfsOpenIDConnectEnables the OpenID Connect Application.
Get-CfsOpenIDConnectRetrieves an OpenID Connect Application.
New-CfsOpenIDConnectCreates a new OpenID Connect Application.
Redo-CfsOpenIDConnectGenerates new keys for the OpenID Connect Application.
Set-CfsOpenIDConnectUpdates the OpenID Connect Application.


NameDescriptionSince Version
Get-CfsSettingsRetrieves the tenant settings.
Set-CfsSettingsUpdates the tenant settings.

Cfs 9.0 Software

Smart Links

NameDescriptionSince Version
Disable-CfsSmartLinkDisables a Smart Link.
Enable-CfsSmartLinkEnables a Smart Link.
Get-CfsSmartLinkRetrieves a Smart Link.
New-CfsSmartLinkCreates a new Smart Link for an Application.
Remove-CfsSmartLinkRemoves a Smart Link.
Set-CfsSmartLinkUpdates a Smart Link3.3.0.0

Cfs 9.0 Software Free

Social Networks

Cfs 9.0 Software Download

NameDescriptionSince Version
Get-CfsSocialNetworkRetrieves all the Social Network configurations.
Get-FacebookRetrieves the configuration of the Social Network Facebook.
Set-FacebookUpdates the configuration of the Social Network Facebook.
Get-GitHubRetrieves the configuration of the Social Network GitHub.
Set-GitHubUpdates the configuration of the Social Network GitHub.
Get-GoogleRetrieves the configuration of the Social Network Google.
Set-GoogleUpdates the configuration of the Social Network Google.
Get-InstagramRetrieves the configuration of the Social Network Instagram.
Set-InstagramUpdates the configuration of the Social Network Instagram.
Get-LinkedInRetrieves the configuration of the Social Network LinkedIn.
Set-LinkedInUpdates the configuration of the Social Network LinkedIn.
Get-MicrosoftRetrieves the configuration of the Social Network Microsoft.
Set-MicrosoftUpdates the configuration of the Social Network Microsoft.
Get-PayPalRetrieves the configuration of the Social Network PayPal.
Set-PayPalUpdates the configuration of the Social Network PayPal.
Get-TwitterRetrieves the configuration of the Social Network Twitter.
Set-TwitterUpdates the configuration of the Social Network Twitter.
Get-WordPressRetrieves the configuration of the Social Network WordPress.
Set-WordPressUpdates the configuration of the Social Network WordPress.
Get-YahooRetrieves the configuration of the Social Network Yahoo.
Set-YahooUpdates the configuration of the Social Network Yahoo.